+ 94 770 363 662
526, A4, Nawala Road
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
8.30 - 17.00


The new National Cement Share Company factory went into full production last month (April 2013) in the eastern town of Dire Dawa, Ethiopia.
British aid has helped to fund investment in the state-of-the-art plant, which will produce up to 1.2 million tons of cement a year.
The 24-hour-a-day factory will feed the demand of Ethiopia's building boom, helping create jobs in the construction industry of one of Africa's – and the world's – fastest-growing economies.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur auctor semper tempor vitae ante.

Duis ante nisl, blandit non quam vitae, tristique tincidunt risus. Etiam in ligula sit amet urna auctor semper tempor vitae ante. Praesent euismod iaculis ex. Curabitur ut dui varius, accumsan mi non, rutrum nibh. Donec pulvinar ultrices justo, eget cursus massa laoreet id.

Praesent euismod iaculis ex. Curabitur ut dui varius, accumsan mi non, rutrum nibh.


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